Cricket 2024

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Re: Cricket 2024

Post by PhoenixUnited »

ShaunL wrote: Mon Dec 30, 2024 12:10 pm It was a good test match.
Did you see Kohli walk into Konstas he can’t help himself.And he didn’t get suspended.
I saw a still frame of Bumrah bowling and there is a clear bend in the elbow.
I'm not sure what point you are making regarding Kohli. This was a Test Match and history is full of incidents such as this one which at times brings the blood to the boil or is this the first time you've seen a player try to get under the skin of another? Pick any First Class International Cricket playing country, as far back as you cab remember, and you'll find at least one player that "can't help himself". There's a match referee that is there to make judgements and issue fines, suspensions etc. Obviously he didn't see that much wrong with what happened but I'm sure I read somewhere that Kohli had been fined either all of his match fee or part thereof.

As for Bumrah, it's all about opinions and most, like those of the general public - like you and me - don't amount to a hill of beans. All I will say is that in the current climate of wall to wall cricket and all manner of cameras and angles, getting more and more intense year on year, since the Kerry Packer years, if there is anything like a "chucker" they'd very quickly get found out. Now entering the twilight of his career it has never been an issue as far as I am aware regarding Bumrah who, IMHO, is absolutely a class act. You don't get a track record like his if you have a dodgy action.

Regarding not liking particular countries (not your point but previously made) - you takes your pick and make your choice.
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Re: Cricket 2024

Post by ShaunL »

Glenn Maxwell & Usama Mir had an 81 run partnership in the Big Bash League.
Mir got a duck.
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